Health Diagnostics

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is caused by other conditions such as malaria, HIV-related infection, diarrheal disease or pregnancy-related complications. It is a neglected global health issue and a significant cause of illness and death in low-income countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, where access to early diagnosis and timely access to therapy are lacking. This project will develop and test a system that uses a smartphone biosensor and two drops of blood to rapidly measure kidney failure in any setting for less than $1.

An estimated 2% of deaths in Uganda and widespread chronic illnesses are attributed to urinary tract / bladder problems. Early diagnosis will save resources now devoted to investigate, treat to save organ function, and reduce hypertension. A prototype device at the University of British Columbia uses light to measure hemoglobin and oxygen levels through the skin as the bladder empties, revealing significant problems in real time. Novel disruptive optical technology now identifies when the bladder is significantly diseased or compromised.

In some circumstances, organizations radically outperform expectations given very limited economic resources. In-depth case studies will be undertaken on six Ashoka Fellows ( making inroads in mental health in low- and lower-middle income countries — their implementation strategies, interventions and resource generation/use. The aim: catalyze and cultivate successful social entrepreneurism to address mental health in other low-income contexts.

Pesticides are used in developed and developing countries to increase crop yield and avoid malnutrition. However, pesticides cause an estimated 26 million poisoning cases annually. To make pesticides safer, we simulate millions of compounds and identify the ones that should target pests without affecting proteins involved in toxicity in humans. Follow Chematria on Twitter @Chematria"

Many diabetics in India cannot afford diagnostic strips to monitor glucose levels. Low-cost fabric glucose sensors developed by Achira Labs can be manufactured locally by weaving communities, which are widespread in India and other parts of the developing world. Working with a non-governmental organization that represents women weavers, the distributed manufacturing model for glucose sensors will be rolled out in at least five locations.

As per WHO, 346 million people have diabetes; 80% deaths occur in low-middle income countries. Currently, physicians cannot easily detect Insulin Resistance (IR), which precedes clinical signs of diabetes undetected for decades. TechnoDevelop will research towards low-cost IR diagnostics targeting advance monitoring and prevention programs along with education and training.

Over 70% of global deaths due to diabetes come from developing countries with majority of them from Africa. In Kenya, diabetes is diagnosed by the random blood testing, and patients lack a proper management. It is also noted some cases of blood-borne infection in the blood test. This project proposes to develop a non-invasive diagnostic tool for diabetes.