Health Diagnostics

Much of the developing world has no access to basic screening technology for tuberculosis, a disease that affects a third of the world’s population and was responsible for 1.7 million deaths in 2009. We are going to build a $1000 digital X-ray detector to accurately and rapidly detect tuberculosis in these underserved populations. Follow Karim S. Karim on Twitter @karim_s_karim"

There is a lack of an accurate, rapid, low-cost test for Tuberculosis which is difficult to diagnose. Partnering with industry, they are aiming to develop a simple strip test for extra-pulmonary TB in India, validate and commercialize it, and make it affordable for under $2/test, by combining technological and business-model innovation.

Jonathan Blackburn of the University of Cape Town in South Africa will use tuberculosis as a model disease to develop a low-cost, hand-held biosensor that combines the selectivity of antigen-specific DNA aptamers with the exceptional specificity of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in order to reliably quantify pathogen biomarkers present in patient specimens at the point-of-care.

Compared with industrialized countries, nations of Africa and Asia report two to 10 times the rate of child pneumonia, the killer of 2.1 million children each year. A bedside finger prick blood test developed by this project will improve pneumonia diagnosis where chest x-rays, essential for pneumonia diagnosis and management, are unavailable, saving lives and resources.