Knowledge Generation

l'âge médian de la 1ere union au Burkina est de 17 ans 8 mois. Dès les 1ers mois de l'union le processus de conception est enclenchée souvent au mépris du bien être du couple, ou de la santé de la femme. La femme qui travaille est contrainte à l'arrêt pour devenir mère au foyer. Ce projet veut promouvoir l'espacement des naissances au sein des jeunes couples mariés. ils doivent choisir le moment idéal pour la procréation et ne pas se laisser influencer par l'environnement et par leur croyance.

Nicaragua (Nic.) has the highest adolescent pregnancy rate and highest rate of poverty in Latin America (LA). 28% of girls give birth before 18 and are more likely to be single (88%), live in poverty and rural areas, have family norms for early pregnancy, experience age and gender inequality and are less able to exercise their rights to education, health, protection and self-fulfillment (1,2,5).

L'innovation proposée s'attaque à la violence sexuelle et sexiste (VSS) chez les adolescentes et les jeunes femmes en Haïti. Si les rares études recensées montrent qu'une adolescente ou jeune femme sur 4 est victime de VSS en Haïti (1, 2), jusque-là aucune étude n'a été réalisée pour comprendre les facteurs de risque et de protection, ainsi que les conséquences liés à la VSS et proposer des outils de prévention et d'intervention basés sur des données probantes et les besoins réels des victimes.

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is often used as a bargaining tool to exert control over spouses' behavior and household resources (Aizer 2010; Bobonis et al. 2013; Heath 2014). In Bangladesh, there exists a widespread belief that it is a man's duty to discipline his wife if she fails to comply with social norms (Naved et al. 2017b). The problem is pervasive in many developing countries (Devries et al. 2013); and yet, theory and evidence on how to reduce victimization rates remain limited.

Le taux de fécondité des adolescents de 15-19 ans est de 11% et chaque année, un tiers des grossesses se termine par un avortement non sécurisé. Ces problèmes sont aggravés par les partenaires sexuels multiples, l'excision, les rapports sexuels précoces, la toxicomanie, la prostitution. De plus, le poids des traditions socioculturelles, l'insuffisance d'offre de services de santé de la reproduction adaptés aux adolescent(e)s, la faible utilisation des méthodes contraceptives par les jeunes.

In Uganda, 22% of women have experienced some form of sexual violence, and this is commonest among the disabled, those with the least education and wealth. Moreover, 51% of all these victims neither seek help nor tell anyone about the violence. [1] This lack of reporting, because of the stigma attached to Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) [2], leaves many women suffering in silence and exposes them to many health risks, including HIV. This affects their quality of life and productivity.

Malawi is ranked eighth of the 20 countries that are considered to have the highest rates of child marriage by the UN Population Fund (UNFPA). On average one out of two girls in Malawi will be married by their eighteenth birthday according to the United Nations. In 2010, half of the women (50 percent) aged 20–24 years were married or in union before age 18 (compared to 6.4 percent of boys). Data shows little to no change in child marriage prevalence since 2000 where it stood at 47 percent.

In Mozambique 50% of all girls marry before the age of 18. Sexual and gender-based violence is widespread. This leads to less power in decision-making and higher sexual activity among girls compared to non-married peers. Early pregnancies are common, increasing risks of maternal and child mortality. The median interval between marriage and first birth is 15 months, leading to school drop outs. Girls lack comprehensive sexuality education, negotiation skills and support in decision-making.

The innovation seeks to prevent and respond to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) among refugees within Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda, home to 102,029 refugees from DRC (47,400), Burundi (27,484), Somalia (16,559), and other nations (10,586), 51% of whom are women/girls of reproductive age. The project will address societal and structural determinants to RH among refugees, namely the presence of power imbalances that expose women to IPV, increasing their vulnerability to RH consequences.

The OHSS project will address a problem of the lack of access of females at risk in Kabul's sex workers and drug user network to basic reproductive health care prevention products, specifically condoms, syringes, feminine products and the like. These essential health products are for protection against sexually transmitted infections and for contraception and reproductive health. Female sex workers and drug users in Kabul City are generally excluded from easy access to the market,