
According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 2.9 million women fell ill with TB in 2012, resulting in 410,000 deaths. TB is classified as one of the top killers of women of reproductive age. Peru has the highest incidence of Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) cases in South America. Almost 16% of TB patients have primary resistance, many of them being women Infected. Women’s health is further affected by their additional responsibility of taking care of families and children. Poor housing conditions contribute to the spread of TB.

Urban households in East Africa continue to rely on charcoal and spend up 50% of their income to purchase fuel.  BURN designs and locally mass-produces clean-burning cookstoves that offer a 50 to 70 per cent reduction in fuel consumption, carbon and particulate matter. For more information visit"

Almost three-quarters of diabetics live in the developing world. Foot ulceration (infection) has been identified as a precursor in 84% of lower extremity amputations in diabetics. It is often only after a wound develops on the feet that patients recognize that they are suffering from diabetic complications and they are at risk of foot amputation. Self care is an essential element of diabetes management. However, visual inspection and palpation usually do not detect changes in skin integrity on time.

Fighting the stroke epidemic in developing countries by enabling risk detection and empowering knowledge for action to decrease stroke death and disability. Using the power of biomedical and mobile technologies, we propose to develop a simple, palm sized device that will empower anyone to check his /her blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol and record an ECG without blood tests anywhere in the world.

We will test individualized therapy based on measurement of plasma renin and aldosterone in the management of resistant hypertension. We will also sequence three genes thought to cause two different types of hypertension due to salt and water retention, more common in Africa, that require therapy that is different from usual care.

The Imaging the World (ITW) approach is to train front line health workers with limited knowledge of anatomy or pathology to generate ultrasound images using a volume-based technique, based on surface anatomic landmarks. These images are captured as cine clips and sent via the local cellular network to the internet to be accessed for remote expert interpretation. Findings and recommendations are sent back to the rural clinics as text messages or emails.

When liver cancer is diagnosed early, an 80% survival rate is achievable. Nearly eradicated in developed nations, liver cancer remains a major cause of death in low-income nations. Countries such as Egypt are particularly susceptible to liver cancer because of high levels of hepatitis C. This project aims to utilize novel ultrasound image processing methods sensitive to tissue abnormalities to detect early liver cancer in rural and urban Egypt.

This invention aims at replacing the razor blade (1) used for cutting the umbilical cord during deliveries at home by the traditional birth attendents (TBAs). TBAs tend to reuse the same blade for a number of deliveries they conduct. This invention offers to the TBAs familiarity, convenience as its easy to carry tied in the edge of their chadder.

Fetal heart rate is the most important signal of distress and millions of births in Africa happen with no monitoring. Fetal monitors must be rugged, reliable and not dependent on electricity. Canadian and African researchers are partnering to test a low-cost heart monitor powered by human energy"