Vaccines & Immune Biology

Tongqing Zhou of the National Institutes of Health in the U.S., working with Linqi Zhang of Tsinghua University in China, will design a broadly protective vaccine against HIV-1 derived from the atomic structure of the viral envelope protein from the dominant transmitted founder HIV-1 strain isolated from a high-risk population in China. HIV is a rapidly evolving virus that continually alters its structure to elude the immune system and antiretroviral drugs. This makes it challenging to develop an effective vaccine.

Michael Schrader of Vaxess Technologies Inc. in the U.S. will develop a microneedle patch that stabilizes vaccines and can deliver multiple doses through the skin at defined times thereby reducing cost waste and the need for repeat immunizations. Vaccinations delivered intradermally via microneedles are at least as effective as intramuscular delivery via injection but reduce the requirement for needles and trained health workers.

José Castillo of Univercells in Belgium will create a compact low-cost and automated vaccine manufacturing platform by integrating three new technologies to produce more affordable vaccines at around 0.15USD per dose. Vaccine doses are generally 1-10USD most of which is due to inefficient production and high manufacturing costs including the need for major infrastructure. This relatively high cost prohibits their widespread use particularly in developing countries with limited funds.

Tarit Mukhopadhyay of University College London in the United Kingdom will develop a manufacturing platform to reduce the production costs of recombinant protein vaccines. Current manufacturing procedures involve serial batch operations in large complex facilities requiring highly trained operators and extensive testing and are inefficient and costly. They will build a platform that integrates and automates key steps to reduce labor costs and capital expenditure and improves product design and control procedures to reduce quality control requirements.

Sebastian Ulbert of the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology in Germany will develop a simple and safer method to inactivate viruses to reduce the cost of vaccine production. Currently the production of inactivated viral vaccines requires treating the viruses over several weeks with toxic chemicals which then need removing. This procedure is time-consuming, hazardous and costly and reduces vaccine activity.

Robert Garcea of the University of Colorado Boulder in the U.S. will develop a method to manufacture ultrastable vaccines by coating them with nanoparticles so that multiple doses can be delivered in a single injection to reduce the costs associated with repeat immunizations and vaccine refrigeration. They have developed a method to heat-stabilize vaccines for transport and storage that involves controlled freeze-drying of antigens with adjuvants embedded in glassy organic matrices.

Understanding dengue virulence is the key to design better vaccine. We will combine a novel virus-construction tool with existing high-throughput assays to effectively search for new vaccine candidates that account for relevant immune response.

We propose to work with immunologists and vaccinologists to model the potential outcomes of "synchronized scheduling" to immunization coverage and protection, FP uptake, and growth monitoring success. We will also conduct research with immunization stakeholders in Africa to assess the acceptability of such a change. If both modeling and research are positive, we will hold a technical meeting to reach consensus on whether and how to move forward with a trial to formally assess the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of adjusted immunization schedules.

To increase vaccination coverage, we propose to develop a microneedle patch that co-administers the influenza and tetanus toxoid vaccines. Our approach is specifically designed to meet the needs of pregnant women and children under the age of 5 in developing countries by (i) seeking to prevent tetanus and influenza infection (ii) co-administering both vaccines with a simple-to-apply, thermostable patch that generates no sharps waste, thus improving safety by avoiding hypodermic needles.

Fasséli Coulibaly of Monash University in Australia will design a vaccine platform based on protein crystals (MicroCubes) produced by insect viruses to produce new and more potent vaccines with increased stability, obviating the need for refrigerated storage. The crystal structure will be engineered to present multiple antigens that will then be tested for their ability to induce an effective immune response.