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Grand Challenges Explorations Round 11 Opened

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In the eleventh round of Grand Challenges Explorations, proposals were solicited that targeted the following topics: developing the next generation of condom, increasing the interoperability of social data, bringing together human and animal health for new solutions, labor-saving innovations and strategies for women farmers, and new approaches for the control and elimination of specific neglected tropical diseases.

The new topic spanning family health and HIV infection – "Develop the Next Generation of Condom" – encourages applicants to apply new discoveries in materials science and human biology. The new advocacy topic – "Increasing Interoperability of Social Good Data" – is a partnership with Liquidnet for Good to find new ways to facilitate the use of data sets for evaluating and creating programs for social good. The new topic spanning health and agricultural development – "The 'One Health' Concept: Bringing Together Human and Animal Health for New Solutions" – seeks ideas from animal health to solve problems in human health, and vice versa.


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