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Fecal Sludge Extraction and Disposal System in situ

Jing Ning of Beijing Sunnybreeze Technology Inc. in China will develop a human fecal waste disposal system that uses wind or solar power to load waste from septic tanks or cesspools into a column, where the waste dehydrates via solar energy, and then is combusted to kill remaining pathogens and reduce its volume. This system is designed to be affordable, durable, and low-maintenance, allowing for rapid, onsite waste disposal. In Phase I, while at Shijiazhuang University of Economics in China, Ning provided proof of principle that human raw sewage waste could be loaded into the facility and dried by solar evaporation. In Phase II, Ning, now with Beijing Sunnybreeze Technology Inc., will refine the design to better transport the heat generated by the solar collector using a thermal air blower, and develop a mini waste processor that uses a ball and screw mechanism to automatically transport, dry and sterilize the human waste. These components will be incorporated into a safe and affordable waterless toilet, which will be tested and further refined.

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