My bold idea is addressing the vulnerability to HIV, harmful gender norms, access to health services and poor life-skills; and low economic capacity of girls of Mukuru Slums, Nairobi in one program that is holistic and sustainable.

Cryptococcal meningitis has emerged as a frequent and deadly infection in AIDS patients. High mortality is compounded by the high cost, toxicity, and limited repertoire of available antifungals. Researchers at the Infectious Diseases Institute in Kampala, Uganda, will determine if adding the antidepressant sertraline to standard therapy will result in better treatment of cryptococcal meningitis.

Adolescent girls in Zambia face social constraints that make girls vulnerable to early pregnancy, HIV, and school dropout. We propose teaching evaluating an innovative Negotiation Skills Curriculum that equips girls with the ability to build healthier futures for themselves. Negotiating a Better Future is run through Innovations for Poverty Action-Zambia.