
To utilise a mobile enabled Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and an embedded point-based reward system/application to track faecal sludge management (FSM) patterns among waste entrepreneurs and subsequently inform issuing of incentives and subsidies to them. The incentives and subsidies will be issued based on the volume of faecal sludge emptied. The reward system will comprise integration of a point-based incentive system and a micro-loan as well as a non- cash incentive that facilitates day to day business running requirements needed for safe pit emptying.

Intend to adopt unconventional data analytical techniques to explore the multiple dimensions of child undernutrition in India, utilizing existing national surveys and the HBGDKi database. The novel and sophisticated analytical methods that will be used include geospatial analysis, data triangulation through statistical matching, and multilevel modeling. The idea is unconventional because India does not have a single granular and multidimensional Health and Nutrition survey that can be analyzed at the district and sub-district level to provide precision insights to public health policy.

The solution proposes to develop, pilot and assess the feasibility of an integrated mobile-based application tool to improve knowledge on India’s Universal Immunization Programme, uptake of routine immunization services, and data access targeting beneficiaries/care-givers, health care providers and the health system.

IMMUNOCHAIN, is to build a big data and blockchain technologies powered, mobile/web enabled vaccine traceability solution for immunization programs in India. It is proposed to be vendor neutral, scalable, replicable and reusable across different immunization programs in any geographical context. The goal of the Immunochain is to address the problem of traceability of immunization vaccines from manufacturing facility, through the distribution mechanisms in cold storage network and the vaccine handling/administration facilities, till the end consumer.

The initial pilot seeks to create data connectors that will translate MCTS and E-Vin data into a common format and store it onto the blockchain. A blockchain database will be the secure, decentralized, common backbone for recording data from disparate sources like MCTS and e-VIN to allow the tracking of vaccinations from the factory to the beneficiary level by using Aadhaar/UPI.

This proof of concept proposal aims at improving the immunization data quality (accuracy, validity, consistency, completeness and timeliness) through four approaches: (1) Aadhar (biometry/QR scan) and mobile number linkages of beneficiaries; (2) bridging ANMOL and eVIN platforms for data convergence; (3) user-friendly monitoring dashboards to empower the program managers for tracking and improving performance; and (4) generating timely and appropriate data inputs for HMIS.

The proposed solution aims to access, interface/integrate population coverage (HMIS/ANMOL) data and vaccination consumption (eVIN) data on a GIS server platform and to track and triangulate the datasets in near real time and enable quantitative analysis of these data sets and visualize the relevant KPI (Key Performance Indicators) through dynamic dashboards and active maps.

SafeCare is a practical methodology enabled through a Digital Quality Platform that tracks, acknowledges and certifies incremental quality improvements in maternal, newborn and child health care. SafeCare focuses on public and private facilities at the lower end of the market which form primary health care distribution channels in low-income settings and often struggle with patient safety and quality demands.

Muso works with the Malian government design and test proactive, community-led health systems for universal health care, maternal health, and child survival. In 2017, Muso launched a three-year randomized-control trial (RCT) in central Mali to examine the impact of its proactive care model on child mortality and other key health indicators. Endline data will be collected for this trial in 2020, with results published in 2021.