
Considerable efforts are being made to stabilize the production of natural Artemisinin. Although progress is being made, there are still significant concerns about availability and high costs. Two additional initiatives are being developed to bring further stability to the ACT supply chain: Semi-synthetic Artemisinin produced from microbially sourced Artemisinic acid, a precursor to Artemisinin. This initiative was originally funded by the Gates Foundation. Commercialization has been taken up by Sanofi under the guidance of the WHO.

Malaria affects half of the world's population. To address this problem, a web-based in silico database of Kenyan natural products will be developed for virtual screening against the malaria parasite. The hits from the virtual screen will then be synthesized and optimized for maximum antimalarial activity. The study will contribute novel templates for the discovery of antimalarial drugs.

Problem: Prompt access to effective antimalarials is the cornerstone for eliminating malaria deaths. Yet, access to effective antimalarials in rural remote areas, where malaria burden is highest, is poor. Implication: Through scaling up of ADDOs, Tanzania can take advantage of the mushrooming motorcycle transport business to ensure that antimalarials reach the neediest; thus attaining the dream ‘Tanzania without malaria deaths is possible’.

Malaria is one of the biggest infectious killers globally and drug resistance is a major reason why. Our project seeks to circumvent drug resistance by targeting a molecular chaperone called Heat Shock Protein 90, the master regulator of the parasite stress response. Follow University of Calgary's Faculty of Medicine on Twitter @uofcmedicine"

Current malaria surveillance relies on identifying the malaria parasite by microscopy and detecting soluble parasite antigens using Rapid Diagnostic Tests. Both techniques do not detect low-level, non-evident malaria infections, and are inherently hazardous and invasive. This innovative idea aims to develop a non-invasive, thermo-stable, saliva-based and field adaptable molecular method for nation-wide surveillance of malaria in Cameroon and Senegal. The technique will stabilize Malaria parasite DNA in saliva at ambient temperatures for up to one year, saving the cost of cold storage.