
The goal of this project is to establish an ICU-based sentinel surveillance network in Africa, describe prevalent and incident patterns of colonization in representative ICU’s and evaluate the correlation between AMR patterns in clinical isolates and in surveillance cultures of the ICU microbiome. Sentinel surveillance through ICU AMR monitoring and data sharing could be used identify modifiable factors in the persistence and spread of AMR.

Development of HydroIQ, a Global Positioning System (GPS) and internet-enabled device plugged into existing water supply systems and along water distribution networks to automatically monitor water use, water quality and water leakages using sensors and send data to an online platform in real-time, thereby turning traditional water systems into smart water grids to improve water use and billing efficiency, sanitation and hygiene in urban areas.

To develop an ICT (Information & Communication Technology) platform and integrated mobile technologies to implement efficient digital customer support strategy and streamline waste collection, for Fresh Life's fast-growing network of toilets. End users will be able to utilize the platform to report maintenance and give feedback on sanitation products or services, among other applications.

To develop a software platform (accessible through text messaging and a mobile application) for women in informal settlements to report and receive real time information in cases where accessing public latrines and water sources may be a risk to their safety. The information will then be linked to service providers and community leaders to increase efficiency of maintenance of facilities and ensure they are safe for women and children to use.

To establish a One Stop Digital Sanitation Solution Centre, a dashboard/digital platform that harmonizes the Ministry of Health and Urban governments’ WASH indicators and links government, service providers, entrepreneurs and end users to support and improve multi-sectoral decision making, planning, and provision of safely managed sanitation services to peri-urban settlements of Kampala city in Uganda.

SafeCare is a practical methodology enabled through a Digital Quality Platform that tracks, acknowledges and certifies incremental quality improvements in maternal, newborn and child health care. SafeCare focuses on public and private facilities at the lower end of the market which form primary health care distribution channels in low-income settings and often struggle with patient safety and quality demands.

Soo Downe of the University of Central Lancashire in the United Kingdom will develop a multi-media program for lawyers and judges who work on medical litigation related to childbirth to help ensure that they understand the evidence on risks and benefits of the procedure as well as legal rights of patients. There has been a large increase in the numbers of cesarean sections across all sectors of society, which is party caused by a fear of litigation.

Jody Lori of the University of Michigan in the U.S. will implement a WhatsApp platform for medical staff and community health workers in rural areas in Liberia to communicate with staff at larger hospitals to accelerate the referral and treatment of obstetric emergencies. Liberia has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. Many of the leading medical causes of death, including obstructed labor, are preventable if the women were more quickly referred to higher level care centers where life-saving procedures like cesarean sections can be safely performed.

Anna Winters of Akros Inc. in the U.S. will adapt an existing web-based mapping tool currently in use in several low-middle income countries that guides and maps the progress of health-related campaigns, to incorporate human movement and thereby improve campaign coverage. Although the existing tool maps populations at the level of individual households, it fails to incorporate spatial-temporal population changes caused by permanent relocation, seasonal migration, and short-term movements, which are more difficult to track.

Kerry Selvester of Associação Académica de Nutrição e Segurança Alimentar (ANSA) in Mozambique will develop an interactive online mapping and data visualization tool to identify high-risk and under-served populations in Mozambique to improve the outcome of health campaigns. They will generate high-resolution maps of existing geospatial datasets such as estimated travel time to health facilities and use remote sensing and make predictions using machine learning approaches to generate new maps of other health-related indicators.